It's been a big couple of weeks. I've finally taken the plunge - I've filled out lots of forms and established my very own little business - Yardage Design.
Yesterday, I signed the papers to lease a studio - eeeeek! Eighteen whole square metres for me to ... create, make a mess, create some more ... whatever takes my fancy!
My studio (so cool to write that! sorry!) is part of the Ironside Studios in Kensington - down the hall from Susan at Spin Spin Handmade, and around the corner from the girls at Ink & Spindle. This is the front entrance to the studios ...
This is what the inside of my studio looks like at the moment - in the middle of getting painted and electricals ...
This is the groovy old pipe in one corner. I'm thinking about painting it a wild colour so it stands out more - the shapes are fantastic!
This is my favourite part of the space - a window (or half of one - sharing is nice!). It's covered in paint right now, but once scraped clean it will be lovely.
So that's my new space - I love it. I can't wait to get in there and put my stamp on it and get to work (hopefully only a couple of weeks away). I am busting to get printing.
To get another space fix, head over to Kootoyoo - you won't regret it!
Thanks for visiting.
Hello, Twilly!
2 weeks ago
Congratulations to you... for a fabulous new space but more so for taking a chance on yourself. That is so exciting. I can't wait to see what happens next...
FANTASTIC. How exciting Nic. Can't wait to see it come together!
OMH, that is so exciting, can't wait to see you fill that space with all sorts of creative goodness.
You must be bursting with excitement. Your own "proper" studio! Look forward to seeing more progress pics. Congrats! Anita. xxx
That is so good , congratulations !Excitement yay for you !
what a joy to see ~ you shall bloom and grow here!
Wow. Huge news for you! I'll look forward to sharing the makeover of your space.
very very exciting news! jumping about - happy.
we're looking for our space at the moment, only wish there were pretty places in Brisbane like in Melbourne. you're going to have lots of fun with all those creative chatty girls down the corridor (hope you get some work done!).
Wow that looks like it would be a great space..I am heading to Melbourne for Christmas as it is a bit of my second home since my husbands family live down there..Do you think I can come past and check it out??
Fantastic, congratulations, you will make it beautiful I'm sure. Looking forward to seeing how you transform the space.
That is insanely AWESOME!! I am gobsmacked with the possibilities of that space girl!!! I look forward to watching it transform!!
xo Steph
Oh wow! Envy envy envy, factor 1000+! but also happiness for you :) This space is just so gorgeous. Congratulations! K
Oh wow!
If I could dream up the perfect building for a studio THAT would be it.
Love it!
how exciting! what a wonderful building. congratulations, and I look forward to seeing it all up and running...
Congratulations! what an amazing space to be creative in!!!
Woo hoo! That is so exciting. A space dedicated to you and your creativity. I am so excited to watch it evolve. Congratulations.
A. Whole. Studio. Wow and congratulations for taking the plunge. What a terribly exciting adventure you are about to embark on.
Wow!!! Congrats on YOUR new STUDIO!!! It looks super nice! I am sure you are going to have such a magical times there!!!!
ENjoy it!!!!
oh, that is so so exciting! big congratulations! and how fun to decorate it the way you want. can't wait to see it finished!
Wow. That the best kind of creative space. Having an attack of space envy and admiration. Please post more pictures as it develops. I'd love to see it at work
How exciting! Congratulations!
It looks fantastic, heaps of character. I like the sound of your pipe idea.
Can't wait to see what creativeness you come up with there
Wow, it looks fantastic, how nice it will be when the window is 'peeled' to let the light in!
Oh Wow! How exciting for you - the studio space looks fabulous! Thank you for visiting me :)
This is so exciting! And I'm so excited for you! Brilliant looking space. Have fun making it your own!
That's a creative space and a half!! Congrats - it looks super (and I love your logo btw).
That is so exciting! I love that building so much, I'm jealous!
can't wait to see how it comes up! i am jealous
You lucky thing you! How exciting and we can't wait to see the great things that will come out of that space!
congratulations NIc!! how exciting is that. goodluck with it all, looking forward to seeing the work in progress.
Yay, congratulations neighbour-to-be!
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