I'm joining in with Vic's most excellent My Place & Yours meme which this week has the theme - on the shelf. This is one of the shelves in my food cupboard ~ the shelf with some of my favourite things on it ...
As you can see, it's a mixture of Australian, Spanish and British foods. The sliced bread I like here is made by a company called Bimbo - it makes me smile EVERY time! There are a couple of good British food shops here in Madrid, and the big supermarkets also have an "international" section, so we can get most things we miss like Vegemite, golden syrup and the occasional biscuit!
Pop over to Vic's to see what's on everyone else's shelves, or to join in!
Wunders X Skinny laMinx
1 week ago
Oh man. Bimbo bread. Bimbo bread! Fan-frikkin-tastic. Thank goodness you can still get vegemite; I would die (salt deprevation...) without vegemite!
Thanks for joining in Nic!
Oh yes, you can never be without vegemite! And that, by the way is one very neat shelf..
Good old vegemite. Where would I be without it? All those hugely essential B vitamins pouring into my system would be keenly missed. Thanks for sharing. Cherrie
Oh vegemite is something you have to grow up with to fully appreciate. I've tried it a few times and have trouble getting it down. When I was pregnant I had to ban my partner from eating it as the smell was so strong. Don't hate me now! I'm just a silly foreigner!
P.s. Love how international your food shelf is. A genuine hotpot!
Oh yum Rhubarb.
Vegemite! Yes no 1 travel necessity! xo
I take my vegemite with me when I'm os too.
Vegemite ... how we Aussies love it .... but oh how most foreigners hate it. They can't believe we eat it. I always say we get used to it from the time we are babies.
Vegemite and Golden syrup are staples for the men in my house.
Bimbo bread with vegemite on it sounds like the perfect snack.
yumm, now I'm hungry, yes I love my vegimite
I love how food packaging is so much nice overseas!
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