Yep - my three year old laptop seems to be dying a slow and painful death. It's overheating, turning itself off, and taking FOREVER to load anything (which is why I haven't been doing too much commenting lately - sorry). I'm thinking about getting a Mac - I'm over Windows and all it's background programs and viruses. Any advice or recommendations for a replacement?
This is not my screen (yet), but the idea is a liitle bit appealing! (pic from here)
Cherry Season
1 week ago
I've heard Mac Book Pro's are the go! Depends on how much you want to spend, I think a good MBP runs about $2500 give or take...
I would so love a MBP!I'll definatly be going Mac next time, as they say once you go Mac you never go back ;)
I switched over about a year ago and would never go back.
My MacBook is so good for me considering I am computer dumb. Intuitive, if that makes sense. Apple have also been amazing with me the couple of times I've been a bit lost with it all. I would highly recommend one.
What about your design software? Can you use it on a Mac?
I think as a visual person you'll love it.
Have a great weekend Nic. X
Totally understand where you are coming from. My laptop has been doing the same (the random switching off is INFURIATING!). I have been slowly migrating over to another lappy, but we are going Linux here.
i am presently curled up in bed with annie apple my mac book pro and can i say we are a match made in heaven. i am so happy to have jumped from p.c. to mac. i am not computer savvy but mac is far and away easier and more fun than p.c. good luck
Go the MAC!!! We swapped over a few years ago and I would never, ever get a PC again. All design people use Mac's at the software for them is great. There is the downfall of not having games available for a Mac, but that has worked out wonderfully as mow my kids can not ask to play computer games, cause there are none.
I think that the change to a Mac is quite easy, and they are a lot easier to jump in and have a go at, as things are very simple and not all hidden like you pointed out in a PC.
Good luck!!!
Definitely get a mac :) For laptops, I think a MacBook is good enough for moderate usage, or get a MacBook Pro for more Photoshop/Illustrator stuff (mine's lasted forever and is rock solid). Or if you're thinking more desktop than laptop, iMacs are cheaper and the screen is much bigger than a laptop... Good luck :)
I agree with spin spin. Do you really need a laptop? I use an iMac, the large screen size is perfect for designing prints :) Can you empty your laptop then reload it with the basics and use that as a back-up when you need it on the road? I have a 7 year old PowerBook that I use like this.
I've always used Macs, but that's only because they had macs at uni. I never use a PC but I'm sure they are just as good. Macs just look better ;)
Droooool - what happens when i see or hear mention of an iMac! we have a macBook. I've been told recently that computers are generally made to have a life of 3 years. My mac is 3 years old now and running solidly, I have friends with older ones that are still working well. I am well impressed with the 7 year old powerbook story. Hopefully mine can be useful for that long!
The unwrapping of a mac after purchase is a divine experience itself! They think about EVERYTHING. I have an iMac and its ever so ever so lovely. However! I use one of those pre-paid internet USB thingies and it got very glitchy with my I have to use it on my pc.
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