I have finally taken the plunge and worked out how to design and publish my own website. These past few years, my very lovely blogger friend Kellie has looked after my website for me ~ so generous and so appreciated. But, the time had come for me to get a website makeover, so I did. This is the current home page ...
Websites are tricky (I've learnt), but I'm super proud of mine ~ not because it's the most amazing website you've ever seen, but it is what I had in my mind and I found a way to make it a reality on the screen ~ big tick! I have a few more pictures and design elements I'd like to add, but for now it's up and running. I'd love to know what you think {check it out here}. Did you design your website? Leave me a link if you did.
Have a great week everyone!
Wunders X Skinny laMinx
1 week ago